Descrição pormenorizada - Reconstituição de Homo erectus
As mãos de uma pessoa cega tocam o rosto da réplica de um homem primitivo. O rosto é de um Homo erectus. Tem a pele morena, olhos ameaçadores sob umas sobrancelhas salientes, com algumas semelhanças com os antigos primatas. fechar
The MCCB´s mission is to research, preserve, treasure and promote heritage from the region´s culture. To do this, it has a dynamic, educational exhibition which involves the entire community.
- To become established as an interpretative and interactive exhibition space which encourages critical thinking and understanding of local habits and traditions.
- To meet all the challenges of new trends in museum organisation, anthropology, ethnography, aesthetics and education, as well as political, social and cultural transformations. To constantly interact with the county´s community, to exchange knowledge.
- To plan and create a living centre of cultural reference, inside and outside the county. To contribute to the cultural education and enjoyment of the local population and visitors/tourists.
- To record the county´s heritage, in order to appropriately recover and preserve it.
- To provide visitors with access to the museum and its collections, using multi-modal communication strategies. To encourage people to fully enjoy cultural heritage.
- To organise and promote temporary exhibitions and other cultural activities on topics of interest to the community. To create partnerships with public and private institutions.
- To carry out a full survey of the natural, social and cultural elements found in the county, in order to create and enhance knowledge.
Recursos de navegação no MCCB online
Contact us
Largo Goa, Damão e Diu, n.° 4
2440-901 Batalha